Note: This page was created by Microsoft Word!
If this Quick Start Guide is a bit too fast or unclear, then please do the followings:
1. Contact me with your comments on what difficulties you have in it
2. Go to the step by step starting with this page: Introduction to low cost website creation
We are going to do the followings in this Quick Start Guide:
1. Download a word processor (if you don’t already have one)
3. Download a file transfer program
6. Done
Continue on page Introduction to low cost website creation
We need a word processor that can export HTML pages, because this is what the internet can publish easily.
If you have any of the following programs, then skip this section. If you are not sure, then continue on this section.
Please click on one of the links and download the Software:
Caution: download this software only from the original manufacturer website, otherwise you will be risking malware, spyware and/or viruses. These are trusted publishers by Norton and Google, if you are in doubt then visit this website to check the safety of a website: https://safeweb.norton.com/
Ø Calligra Suite (Free. Info: https://www.calligra.org/words/, Download: https://www.calligra.org/get-calligra/)
Ø Apache OpenOffice (Free. Info: https://www.openoffice.org/why/index.html, Download: https://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html)
Ø LibreOffice (Free. Info: https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/writer/, Download: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-still/)
Ø Microsoft Word/Office Professional (60 day’s free trial thereafter you can purchase if you wish so, Info & download: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-office-professional-plus-2013)
Ø Microsoft Office 365 (30 day’s free trial thereafter you can purchase if you wish so, Info & download: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/evaluate-office-365-proplus)
For Comparison of all of the above please visit: Wikipedia.org at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_office_suites
Install the software.
Open the word processor, here I will use Microsoft Office due to it is the widest spread word processor over 60% of the Markt share. If you need development info about another wordprocessor, then go to step by step starting Creating the website.
Note: the text below is suggested text, you can write other text if you wish so.
Write the followings: Website of Knowledge
Press Enter
Highlight the words “Website of Knowledge” and mark them as Heading 1
Open the word processor and write the followings: about – contact
Right click the mouse on the word about, then select hyperlink
In the field address write the followings: Default.htm#About
All without blanks and Default with capital “D” and About with Capital “A”
Press enter
Explanation: The number sign means go to the marked section About in the page Default.htm when the user clicks on it
Right click the mouse on the word contact, then select hyperlink
In the field address write the followings: Contact.htm
All without blanks and Contact with capital “C”
Press enter
Explanation: This means go to page contact.htm when the user clicks on it
A couple of lines below write the followings: Welcome to my first website
Go a few pages below and write the followings: About
Press Enter then highlight the word “About” and mark it as Heading 2
Go one line below and write: I am determined to make money out of this website while offering quality information services to my visitors. Please send any comments to contact
On the word contact right click the mouse and select “Hyperlink”, then in the address field write “Contact.htm” with a capital “C”, then click “Ok”
Select “File” from the upper menu and then select “Save as”
If you are using new version of Microsoft word, then select browse then select “Save as type” and select Web Page (*.htm;*.html)
In the file name write “Default.htm” with capital “C” then save the file where you can find it again
In the upper menu select “File” and then select “New” and then “Plank Document”
In the new “Plank Document” write the word “Contact” and press Enter
Highlight the word Contact and mark it as Heading 1.
Below the word contact enter the words: Back to home page
Highlight the words “Back to home page” and while it is highlighted right click the mouse and select Hyperlink
In the Address field enter the followings: Default.htm
With a capital “D”
A couple of lines below write the followings: Please feel free to send me any comments, suggestion or critique to my email address: MyEmail@MyWebsite.com
Or write whatever you would like
Select “File” from the upper menu and then select “Save as”
If you are using new version of Microsoft word, then select browse then select “Save as type” and select Web Page (*.htm;*.html)
In the file name write “Contact.htm” with capital “C” then save the file in the same area as the above file, where you can find it again
Now we have created a 2-page website
If you have a FTP download manager then skip this section, if you are not sure, then continue on this section.
Download the program that will allow you to publish your documents on the Internet by placing them on the server of the ISP.
Caution: download this software only from the original manufacturer website, otherwise you will be risking malware, spyware and/or viruses. These are trusted publishers by Norton and Google, if you are in doubt then visit this website to check the safety of a website: https://safeweb.norton.com/
Download the program “FileZilla Client” from here: https://filezilla-project.org/
Install the program FileZilla.
Here you have a huge amount of ISP from every single country and the prices varies from free to low and high cost.
Should you find difficulties then please contact with the difficulties and go to the step by step by going to the page “Signing up with website publisher or ISP”
Here I will use Microsoft Azure it offers up to 10 free websites for one year.
Go to the sign up screen and sign up, here to you would need a Microsoft email account. If you do not have a Microsoft email account, at the Azure signup you will have an opportunity to also sign up for a Microsoft email account.
Signup here (Info and Signup: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/)
After you sign up create a website by using the App Service
Then click on your new website and download the publish profile by selecting “Get publish profile”
Open the publish profile with a word processor and extract 4 items/information with the names “publishUrl” (ftp website address), “userName” (user login name), “userPWD” (password) and “destinationAppUrl” (your new website address)
This 3 items/information would look like the followings:
the word “web” written above
with red, is the name you chose for your new website, in other words replace
the word “web” with your website
Start FileZilla
In the upper menu click on “File” and select “Site Manager”.
In Site Manager window click on “New Site”.
Under the left Select Entry section enter a name for this entry, for example: Azure1Entry.
Under the right “General” tab and in the “Host” field enter the content of “publishUrl” that is mentioned above.
Below and next to the “Logon Type” click on “Anonymous” and select “Normal”.
Below and next to “User” enter the content of “userName” as mentioned above.
Below and next to “Password” enter the content of “userPWD” as mentioned above.
Done creating a connection profile to Microsoft Azure.
Now let’s transfer the 2 pages.
Click on the push button “Connect”.
Now you should be connected to your new website on Microsoft Azure.
The middle section of the windows is divided to 2 parts, the left side is your computer and the right side is your new website.
On the right side, on your new website on Microsoft Azure click on the word “site”, then click on the words “wwwroot”.
On the left side locate the folder where you placed the 2 pages that we created above.
Then drag the 2 pages from the left side on your computer to the right side on your new website on Microsoft Azure.
To verify it go to your internet browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or any other Internet browser.
In the address bar enter the content of “destinationAppUrl” as mentioned
You should see the one page that allows you to navigate to the contact page and back. Should not be able to see it, then please be patient and write me the problem then go to step by step and continue there at the following page: Introduction to low cost website creation
This is how easy it is to create a website and publish what you want.
Now you can share your website address on your social media such as Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Myspace.com or any other social media website, see (List of Social Networks worldwide)
In the following pages are going to be step by step including inserting ads that will generate money for you.