Google AdSense and AdWords

I want to make your life great again. I want to make you earn money again, I want to make your life safe again; therefore, I strongly believe that everyone should get paid for his work, otherwise it is just a waste of time. I want to help you to make some money by encouraging you to create a webpage/website where you can share your life experience or profession with others, while adding Google Ads to your webpages to make money through Google Ads and in the same time enabling others to learn how to make money, this is win/win situation, because we have millions of people that do not know how to make money and then they fall in a deep pit of poverty. God bless you and God bless your good will!


You already are making money with ads but you are not aware of it because it is not going to your own pocket, but rather it is going to the pocket of those websites that you are using for free at the moment such as,,,,,, and these only  7 out of over 200 social network that makes money through. And here I will teach you how to turn it around. Don’t get me wrong, I am also trying to make money while teaching you, but only through ads and if you join some of my offerings that not only are very inexpensive and reasonably priced but also it is the best worldwide which you would be able to verify!


But what is Google Ads, Google AdSense and Google AdWords?

Google Ads:

Google ads are a part of Google businesses, where other businesses (also non business) can place ads through Google ads. And google will place these ads on the web pages of those who applies for it and get paid for having these ads on their webpages each time someone clicks on these ads. In google ads there are 2 main programs:

-AdWords, businesses that places the ads by Google Ads
- AdSense, websites that publish the ads

Google AdWords:

Businesses place ads by Google ads. They pay only when their ads are clicked, in other words and unlike the traditional ads where the business pay upfront for the ad on TV or in the newspaper, where the price is always determined by the amount of the viewers or the amount of circulation of the newspapers and magazines, hereby with Google AdWords the business pays per click, for example 10 cent per click or 1 Euro per click.


Google AdSense

Google AdSense is when you have a website and apply by Google AdSense to place Google Ads on your website and you get paid for it each time someone click on an ad. To my knowledge Google pays 68% of what they receive per click. In other words, when the business pays 1 Euro per click, the website publishing the ads, receive 68 cents per click and if they have one Million visitors per day and 1000 visitors click on the ad, Google will receive 1000 Euro and pays 680 Euro to the publisher and keeps 320 Euro for Google, but since Google does that let us assume for one Million, where an average profit of ads clicks is possibly 150 Euro, then Google will make 150 Million. In reality Google makes more than 2 Billion yearly on ad Sense and their ad publishers makes more than 6 Billion and you can be one of these money makers!


How to apply for Google AdSense step by step?

1.      Go to and sign up, which is very straight forwards. Usually they will need your name and a google email address that you can apply for here: They will ask you only for the basic info, such as name and address.

2.      You will receive a confirmation email that will ask you to create a test ad and place it on your website, here too, it is very straight forward, and will tell you that they have to look at your website and that it usually takes 1 business day. Usually was in the past when they started. In my case I waited around one week

3.      One of the most important part of this application is to understand the terms and conditions to not get in trouble and lose your account with google because they are very strict about it, and below I have accumulated the policy in 3 versions: written, video and/or a couple of images that I took of the mentioned video. These 3 options you will see below under AdSense Policy

4.      Then you would receive an email if they accepted you or not, usually if your website is decent (no porno, or scams, no malware and so on), then they will accept your application

5.      Once they accept you as a publisher, then you can start placing the ads on your website

6.      Once you have accumulated enough clicks worth 10 Euro, then they will start to ask you to enter your bank information. They pay only through banks

7.      Once you accumulated 70 Euro or equivalent in your currency they will transfer the money to your account

8.      You can adjust the transfer amount, but the minimum is 70, but you can make it 100 or 1000 or pay later for up to one year, but then it has to be paid out within a year

9.      You are all set



AdSense Policy

To make it easy for you, I placed 3 options to get to know the Google AdSense policy, because they are very strict about enforcing it and I want you to succeed, so look at them, but if you don't have time then at least look at the 19 images that I took because it will tell you everything in 5 minutes or less

- To Read (more than hour to read all the links): 
- To watch (an hour):, this is from google, the begin is bit  hesitant, but it is good laid out
- In short is below ( less t5han 5 minutes): I took a few screen shots and placed them below. They should tell you everything. Look at them


Note; is the links are not good anymore, such as Google removed them, then use Google and search for "AdSense policy text" or "AdSense Video" and you will find a ton of information