About Me


What does Computerie means?

My goal with this website

About myself



What does Computerie means?

Computerie is combined of 2 words: "Computer" + "ie".


Computer is the computer you are using right now to look at my website, and it can be one of many device, such as: a mainframe monitor, a UNIX or compatible workstation or PC, a desktop, a server, laptop, Notebook, Netbook, Tablet, smartphone, and who knows by the time you are reading these lines they maybe a new device is newly invented, because when I started to work on computers back in 1974, there was only one device of all of the above listed, which is a mainframe!


"ie" is from the old Latin language and it means "by example". The Latin language is the base language for most of the western European languages from Portugal to Italy to Finland, including English, French and German.


This website is letterly computer by example or also called Computerie, where it is all about your daily needs and websites, and everything connected to it. Including but not limited to Office 365.

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My goal with this website

My goal with this website is to show you ways how to use the computer most effectively and above all and as far as it is possible for free, including but not limited to how to create a free website.

But also to show you how to use other products and services such as:

- How to create websites yourself with tools that either you have and are familiar with or you can download for free from major software organizations

- Clouds and the best for you

- Office 365, what is it, do you need it and how to get it if you need it as well as competitions such as from Google

- Virtual Machine, meaning virtual computers, meaning a program that simulates a standalone computer within your computer

- Microsoft Windows or Android?

The above would be my main topics

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About myself


Let me tell you a bit about myself. 1974 I learned IT using IBM mainframe in an IT school in Munich, Germany. Then I worked in the IT department of a leading German Electronic company, whereby they helped me to learn IT inside out from hardware, software, firmware, project management to international IT business on mainframe and mini computers that were built jointly with a leading Japanese IT manufacturer where some of the computers were IBM compatible. In 1982 I switched to microcomputers and had my first PC with CP/M and MS-DOS operating systems. After I left this company I continued to work in the international IT business until 1986, then I worked for 15 years in USA for fortune 500 companies and government agencies, but also for medium and small businesses then came back to Europe. During which I was specialized for Microsoft server and desktop products from software developments and OS-Operating Systems to DTK-DeskTop Publishing and software integration.


Now I want to dedicate my time to set my experience to use for you, especially that many of my experience were somehow not as I expected them to be and I am more than positive that you can benefit in one way or another of these experiences.

Above All I would concentrate on making you independent of one company but also I will show you how to use the clouds and virtual machines (virtual computers, meaning a program within a computer that simulates additional computer!).

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